The top questions on Airbrush tanning~

Why Airbrush tanning?
* You can be a tan junkie without the healthy risks associated with tanning beds and laying in the sun
*Organic based solutions no more Alcohol, Parabens or organge tones
*You only need one session to be up to a couple shades darker unlike laying in the beds
*Blend unwanted Cellulite, Tan lines, Stretch marks and Spider Veins
*You can look instantly slimmer, healthier and feel more sexy and confident!
*A simple way to update your look and wardrobe!
* The ADA and American Cancer Society highly recommend and FDA approved
You offer a mobile service..where do you airbrush me in my home?I airbrush you and up to 2 people in your bathtub or shower stall, its perfect for getting your glow on! If you have more than 2 people or are having a tanning party then I have a pop up tent that I set up and you step inside and I can safely tan you and your girlfriends.
* What is DHA? Airbrush tanning uses a safe, FDA approved mixture that contains an active ingredient known as dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a colorless sugar that darkens the surface layer of the skin. DHA works by interacting with the dead surface cells found in the epidermis, or the outermost layer of the skin, producing a color change that appears very natural and complimentary to your skin tone. As the dead skin cells are naturally shed through the process of exfoliation, the color gradually fades – typically within five to seven days of the initial application.
*Will I turn orange? I have found that in my practice those who turn orange are fair skin clients who want to be darker than they realistically should or to heavy of an application. Another may be old or cheap solutions. Divine Tan uses the best solutions on the market with certified Organic ingredients, ordered in small batches to ensure freshness.
*How long will my tan last? Two things depend on that one is how well you take care of it and your own skin type. Those with dryer skin will lose it quicker and those with normal to oily skin will hold onto the color longer. Moisturizing is KEY I can't say that enough!! one session will last from 5 to 7 days and two session from 6 to 10 days then its time to exfoliate and you will know when. ;o)
*Will it stain my sheets or Jammies? The bronzer in Divine Tan is Organic Carmel and not dyes so it should come out just fine. I tell my clients to be on the safe side and put on some old sheets till they shower as not to worry about any mishap. If you are taking your post shower before bedtime you should be fine. *if you have hot flashes, are a toss N turn sleeper or drool in your sleep I recommend setting up an earlier appointment so you can shower before bedtime.
*The spray tan is peeling on my chest? Very rare occurrence, and there are two answers one answer, as we found it, is your perfumes, which were applied either before, or after the session. And it does not matter, if you had a shower and scrubbed before your spray tan. Some perfumes just permeate skin so deep, and cause this strange problem. The other is working out and wearing a sports bra, they are tight and rub against the skin and hold the sweat there. Everyone's skin has a different PH so I recommend putting on some powder NON perfumed and Cornstarch based NOT Talc based. Sprinkle some on shoulders, between breast's, under breast's and around your underarms where you sweat the most. The powder will help create a barrier and to absorb the sweat and either stop or cut down on this funky peeling. Make sure to shower immediatly after working out and don't let the sweat and sweaty clothes stay on your skin for a prolong period.
*My spray tan turned out different this time even though it was the same artist and solution? Again, it comes down to your skin. Your skin is a living thing, and is affected by many things like: time of the month, season, food you eat, stress, medication you take etc. If your tan is different, even though solution used was the same, the most probable cause is the condition of your skin and how your hormones are interfering. Also make sure you didnt use a different product right before your soap or lotion? That will leave a heavy reisdue that will interfere with the adhesion of the product.
*I want to schedule another session but want to start with a clean slate?
Okay, you want that "fresh off the beach" look again? No problem. Just as before, you will need to exfoliate well, shave, and leave off any perfumes, lotions or deodorants before your next tanning session. Since you may still have some color, but have experienced uneven fading, we suggest the following method of exfoliation processes.
First, get undressed and apply a relatively heavy coat of baby oil to entire body. You don't have to be dripping with it, but more than you would use if you were just moisturizing. Second, prepare enough hot water into the bathtub to enable your body to be fully submersed. Not your head, silly!
While bath water is filling, prepare your shaving supplies, towels, etc. Climb into tub and relax. This is the long bath you've been waiting for. Stay in water for approximately ten minutes. Carefully stand up and reach for your shower pouf, remembering tub surface may be slippery due to baby oil! Proceed to bathe and scrub your skin somewhat vigorously, doing so gently enough to not cause irritation. Submerse yourself in water again. Soak for another five minutes. Drain water and carefully step out and towel dry yourself, not necessarily as gently as when you want to keep your tan. It's okay to rub now!